Friday, December 6, 2013

Guide To Switching Internet Service Providers

Check your current contract for the termination policy
Most of the time, a contract will have a 12-month term minimum. If you are cancelling before your reach a full year, you will be made to pay bloated cancellation charges. But if the charge is fairly reasonable and cheap, then you can go right ahead. Also check if your modem is only being leased to you. Switching to a different provider while keeping the previous modem can result to additional charges.

Shopping for internet service provider Australia
In looking for a new provider, make a checklist of things you need to consider. One important thing is that your area is covered by the new provider. Location can be a factor in the quality and the speed of the connection you are getting. Inquire about extra charges and minimum contract periods. Always compare companies and try to negotiate deals whenever you can. There are a lot of places where you can get help comparing different ISPs easier. Go to compare sites like Connect Now and get a list of internet service providers Australia of your choice and then you will be given a summarized data of each provider’s features. Also, you can check these articles that talk specifically talk about tips in choosing an ISP:
Choosing Internet Service Provider

Making the switch
Because switching can take some time, plan ahead on when you are going to make the actual switch. Make it a weekend so you are not disrupting any work. It is also recommended that you stay with your old ISP for another month just to ensure that you will have a connection during the whole ordeal and you can still be able to go about your normal activities. This is very important if your business or work transactions happen mostly online. Don’t forget to check policies regarding traffic management. Even if your package says unlimited, it can still be subject to the policies in your contract. Without you knowing, you can be under certain data restrictions which can then paralyze your online activities. Store all communications you have made with your new provider so that you can refer back to that when you find something amiss in the service you are given.

What to do after installation
This next part is essential for those folks who run websites. Your IP address and DNS may need to be updated because of the new move. Ask your provider to help you transition your site’s domain to your new IP address. Same goes for the email accounts that are hosted by the provider. Make sure all of those things are being taken care of. It is a long process to have everything in your site reset and if transitions are not done properly, this may cause some potential problems in the future. Consider hiring third party providers to take care of your domain issues. They will be more experienced in these situations and can communicate with your provider and settle things themselves.

When you’re ready to go out and shop for providers, you can check out internet service providers Australia here.

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